DeuS beer cocktail and matching appetizers

DeuS Brut des Flandres is a special beer amongst the wide range of Belgian beers. The shape of its bottle reveals that it’s not just a beer. Its secret lies in the unique brewing process: a combination of the traditional beer brewing methods and techniques for making sparkling wines. With its classy look & feel, DeuS is an ideal beer for an Apéritif cocktail!

The unique flavour of DeuS beer can be brought back to its brewing method. After being traditionally brewed in Belgium, the DeuS beer goes to the Northern of France for its second bottled fermentation process. The bottles are kept in the cool cellars for about a year. Like in the “méthode traditionnelle”, the bottles of DeuS beer are shaken daily and gradually turned and tipped. This routine, called “remuage”, continues until they are upside down and the impurities have settled onto the bottom of the cork. When the beer is mature, its deposits are removed from the bottle in a process called “dégorgement”. The DeuS beer is ready to go to the market after the “dégorgement”.

A Deus-Bellini cocktail

The Bellini cocktail, a classic Italian Apéritif cocktail, is usually a mixture of Prosecco (or Champagne) and peach puree. The prosecco can be easily replaced by DeuS beer. Sours or bitters are great tastes to wake up the appetite. That’s why for our cocktail we work on the citrus-side of DeuS and choose for spices and fruits with a citrus character.

aroma wheel deus beer foodpairing

A grapefruit syrup replaces the peach syrup of the classic Bellini. Grapefruit will not only bring acidity but also a bitterness, fit for an appetizer. A good alternative to lemon to enhance the citrus flavour of the beer is bergamot. Our chosen spices, ginger and coriander, also share the same citrus aromas. Ginger sharpens-up the flavour and brings out the spiciness in the beer.

Beer DeuS – grapefruit – ginger – coriander – bergamot

deus beer grapefruit ginger coriander bergamot


Grapefruit syrup

  • 150 g grapefruit juice
  • 15 coriander seeds
  • 8 g ginger
  • 2 pods cardamom
  • 40 g bergamot, juice
  • 20 g white sugar

Mix all ingredients and bring to a boil. Let cool, infuse overnight and strain.


  • 20 ml grapefruit syrup
  • 55 ml DeuS beer

Pour the grapefruit syrup into a glass and add the DeuS. Garnish with some grapefruit peel. Let’s get started on the appetizers.

Perfect matching appetizers

Starting from the aroma profile of our DeuS cocktail, we’ve come up with two appetizers that are in complete aromatic synergy with our drink. The first appetizer with lobster, fennel and grape further enhances the citrus side of the beer cocktail.

The second appetizer, well, we don’t have you convince you that oyster and Champagne are a great match. A similar flavour match applies for DeuS and oyster.

DeuS – lobster – fennel – grape

deuS lobster

DeuS – oyster – cucumber – buttermilk – daikon

deus oyster cucumber buttermilk daikon foodpairing

Find your own pairings with DeuS beer

Find your own pairings with DeuS beer on Other new Belgian-style beers added to our database are Kwak and Karmeliet.

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